Join us on our Journey Down Under!

We're an American family living in Australia, where everything seems a little bit turned-upside-down.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Last Day of Summer Break

Well, here it is, our last day of summer break. Everest has declared that he gets to play "Mario until his heart's content." McKi is thrilled about her orthodontist appointment this morning, her soccer practice this afternoon, and our family going to eat sushi together this evening. Hagen hasn't a clue that his big buddies will not be here to entertain him from 8 am to 4 pm starting tomorrow. For me, school starting means getting out of my P.J.s, making lunches, enforcing homework habits, and driving, driving, driving! But something else is looming over my head. You see, I have vowed that the first day of school will be the day I start taking care of me again in a physical and nutritional sense. What better time to start new habits than at the start of school. Everything else is new... the notebooks, the crayons, the clothes, the backpacks, the teachers, the lunch boxes.

Tomorrow is the day I vow to stop eating cookies for breakfast, I promise to eat more than just gold fish for lunch, and I will try my hardest to think about what's for dinner before 5 o'clock! In addition, I plan to walk my kids to and from school every day on "The Walking School Bus."

The walking school bus is a great thing for many reasons. It is an effort supported by our city to cut down on traffic on our one lane road to and from school. I plan to park 1.3 miles from the school at a "walking school bus station", pack the baby in the stroller, and viola! Instant solution to my need for exercise! Not only that, it is a wonderful way to connect with my older kids as we walk along collecting rocks, examining plants and bugs, and breathing in the fresh air. What more could I ask for?

As far as meal planning, there is a book I love called 8 Minutes in the Morning by Jorge Cruise. It is basically a book designed to get people moving and eating healthy. I follow the eating plan in the back that resembles a weight watchers point system. My whole family will eat the meals which include something from each food group. Surprise, surprise...sugar is a no no except in fruit.

So there you have it! My "Back to School Resolutions." I hope they have inspired you in some way. Here's a second chance at your "New Year's Resolutins" in case you didn't keep them. Now is your last chance, because let's face it, 2011 is just around the corner!

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