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We're an American family living in Australia, where everything seems a little bit turned-upside-down.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Swallowing Seeds

Yesterday my seven year old, Everest, came to me with a concerned look on his face.  He had just been eating a piece of watermelon for a snack.  "Mom, if someone swallows a watermelon seed, will a watermelon grow inside their tummy?" I knew the question was more than just hypothetical.  I wanted to giggle and make fun, but judging from the look on his face, this was no laughing matter. 

After a sincere hug and some reassurance, Everest was happily on his way again.  But his inquiry had me thinking.  I wish it were that easy.  I wish if you wanted to grow a watermelon inside your tummy, all you had to do was swallow a seed!  I love that kind of childlike faith.  I love the feeling that anything is possible, no matter how absurd it sounds.  When exactly did that kind of  "belief" go away?  For me, I think it happened somewhere between finding out about Santa Claus, and my first broken heart.

Yesterday, my son reminded me that anything is possible.  I have a plaque in my room that became my mantra through a very difficult time in my life, "BELIEVE when it's beyond reason to believe." 

And here are a couple of Bible verses I like to read regarding belief:
Mark 9:23 says, "Everything is possible for him who believes."
Matthew 21:22 says, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

My life has come full circle since that difficult time, and I have a great story to tell.  I plan to do that here, but let's see, I have 360 days yet to go, and I must save some for later!

Thank you Everest for swallowing that seed, and for the reminder to BELIEVE!

1 comment:

"Sweeter Everyday" The Holder Family said...

Thank you for sharing this. So sweet, and boy can we learn from our children!